Is Alpaca wool the new cashmere? This is the question asked by a Daily Beast article that describes the recognition and demand alpaca wool has gained in the fashion world in recent years. Luxury fibers like cashmere and angora have long been fashion status symbols, both because of their price and marvelous thermal and other qualities. Now, alpaca is poised to take its place in the lineup of fancy wools, and with growing popularity, prices are becoming ever more affordable for the average clothes-buyer.
The Peruvian Trade Commission and a number of industry representatives have created The Alpaca Project, an initiative to promote awareness of alpaca wool and its advantages around the world. A number of prominent designers were invited to Peru to view the production process in person.
Alpacas aren’t just a source of fiber – they hold a central place in Peruvian culture, prized from the days of the Inca empire to the modern era. The alpaca trade and design initiative will not only give fashion designers something to play with, but also do much to improve the lives of Peruvian alpaca herders, many of whom live in poverty but have seen remarkable gains with the increase in international alpaca wool trade.
Read more at the original article, here.